What does that even mean? Lol. Sims. I, friends, am playing The Sims. I have The Sims 3, but I am playing the Sims complete collection: the old school ones. It's awesome. For some reason it is taking eons to get past the load page, and it was stuck on recomputing mammal matrix forever lol. That's not what this post will really be about, but I thought it was an eye catching name! :)
     You know what I have been thinking? I have been denying that my life is about to severely change. I love my life and my friends and almost everything just the way it is. I am scared for it to all change. However, I am excited. I think it is time for me to accept that I am graduating in two days, it's not this far off future thing anymore. It is here, it is now, and after it, everything is going to change severely. I am going to be working. I am going to college. Then, I am moving out of my house, out of my town, and out of my state. I will be in a different time zone. I will be away from all my friends and my boyfriend. I will have to make new friends. I will live on my own. It is crazy! It is so crazy. I'm  so excited yet I'm so scared. I will miss Trevor so much. I hope to continue writing and blogging the whole time. My blogs aren't really that exciting, I know. And I'm sure no one reads them. But it's my way to unwind. :)

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