What does that even mean? Lol. Sims. I, friends, am playing The Sims. I have The Sims 3, but I am playing the Sims complete collection: the old school ones. It's awesome. For some reason it is taking eons to get past the load page, and it was stuck on recomputing mammal matrix forever lol. That's not what this post will really be about, but I thought it was an eye catching name! :)
     You know what I have been thinking? I have been denying that my life is about to severely change. I love my life and my friends and almost everything just the way it is. I am scared for it to all change. However, I am excited. I think it is time for me to accept that I am graduating in two days, it's not this far off future thing anymore. It is here, it is now, and after it, everything is going to change severely. I am going to be working. I am going to college. Then, I am moving out of my house, out of my town, and out of my state. I will be in a different time zone. I will be away from all my friends and my boyfriend. I will have to make new friends. I will live on my own. It is crazy! It is so crazy. I'm  so excited yet I'm so scared. I will miss Trevor so much. I hope to continue writing and blogging the whole time. My blogs aren't really that exciting, I know. And I'm sure no one reads them. But it's my way to unwind. :)
Hey all! It's been a while. So much is happening this week. I'm so stressed out. These last five or so days have been so fun and busy, though. Friday night I stayed the night with Sarah O, and we stayed up til about 2:45 a.m. It was fun. Then saturday, I went home and did some chores, went to Trevor's house, then went back to Sarah's house with the other Sarah for a sleepover. Then Sunday, I stayed up in Aspen with Moriah and Emily, since they are moving to L.A. soon. Monday I hung out with Trevor at the pool. Then I stayed up at Nicole's with Kellie and Christa, since we left in the morning to go to Water World. Spent the day there, went shopping and out to dinner in Boulder, stayed the night in a hotel, and drove home this morning. It's been crazy. Unfortunately, I got CRAZY sunburned yesterday. My shoulders, some of my arms, and ALL of my legs. They sting so bad! :( It's been fun. But just because I had a good five days doesn't mean life is easy. I have family visiting tomorrow, we've been trying to clean the house. My dad has been remodeling the bathroom the last week or so, bless his heart, and he is just finishing tonight, so there is SO much clean up to be done. I'm so excited to see family, but then again, so stressed from preparing for it. Then, my mom and I can't get along to save our lives. We bicker, and argue ALL the time. We are like polar opposites. I don't know how much longer I can handle being treated like I'm 15 when I'm 18. I am a legal adult. I'm responsible enough to remember to set my alarm clock. -__- 
     Anyway, on from sunburns and visitors: Ex boyfriends. I should have just said Ex-Boyfriend, since I literally am only talking about Mr. Jesse. Sigh. I'm worried about him guys. Something is up with him. His grades are evidently dropping, he's being a giant prick to everyone, he never smiles. I guess he only really smiled when he was with me, though. I hope he's okay. Is it weird that I pray for him practically every night, even though he drives me crazy and I'm so ridiculously mad at him? Hmm. Let's hope he's okay. It's so weird. It's like I'm bound to run into him. I always run into him in the halls at school (but now I'm out of there forever woohoo!) and when I am driving places, he will be on the sidewalk I drive by. Or I'll run into him at a movie theater, or at the grocery store. That drives me nuts! I can't wait till I go to school in the spring. He'll be obi-GONE-kenobi. LOL. Brock's Dub reference. :) Anyway. That's life. Got graduation on Saturday. SO excited. :)

In these bodies we will live
in these bodies we will die.
Where you invest your love.