Today was the day! I made it. I graduated! Woo-hoo! :) Today was a pretty fun day. My sister unfortunately had to leave, but I went to two graduation parties, had some good family time, graduated, got straight A's, won a hairdryer, $6, and a cuisinart sandwich griller, saw my boyfriend, ate moes, and more. I'm really tired right now because it is 3:30 a.m. I just got home from Project Graduation, which was really fun. :D :D :D :D :D. I wish I had won the $500 grand prize, or a laptop. They didn't give away laptops. I could've won a bike. But I love my bike.
     Anyway, on to something more important. I can't believe I graduated. I've been with these kids since kindergarten ( a lot of them.) They're all I've ever known. I can't believe we are splitting up. I'm sad cause I was going to go to Michigan in the spring, but I can't now. :( Not till next fall or the fall after! D: sad day. I need to get out of my house. Okay, now I'm just ranting. I have my eyes closed. eBecause I'm tred. IO'm almost too tired to stand up here. I am so tired. NIght i lov eyou